About the Journal

Tangram is a quarterly scientific journal which publishes papers about different aspects related to the field of Mathematics Education. The journal resulted from the interaction between two Federal University of Grande Dourados (UFGD) research groups linked to the Faculty of Exact Sciences and Technology (FACET), the Faculty of Education (FAED), and the Faculty of Indigenous Intercultural Education (FAIND): one called “Network of Mathematics Education Researches – TeiaMat/CNPq” and, the other, “Technologies of Mathematics Education Research Group – GPTEM/CNPq”.
Tangram aims to diffuse results generated from scientific researches, theoretical studies, scientific initiation assignments and notes on pedagogical experiences from primary to higher education. The journal focuses on papers about Mathematics Education and similar areas of study, which can be presented in Portuguese, Spanish and English. Besides the periodic issues, Tangram publishes a thematic edition once a year under the coordination of internal and external members of its team.


Tangram is indexed in REDIB - Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico


The indexing process is important for scientific journals because it represents recognition of merit, endorsement of the quality of published articles and consequently for their authors.

In July 2020, Tangram was indexed by REDIB - Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico.

REDIB is a platform for aggregating scientific and academic content in electronic format, produced in the Ibero-American sphere, or linked to it in a broader cultural and social sense and geographically not restrictive.

REDIB's tools facilitate access, dissemination and enhancement of scientific production generated in Ibero-American countries, which highlights the studies published in Tangram.

Access the Journal's page on REDIB here.

Read more about Tangram is indexed in REDIB - Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico

Current Issue

Vol. 7 No. 2 (2024)
					View Vol. 7 No. 2 (2024)
Published: 2024-06-30


  • Apresentação

    Adriana Fátima de Souza Miola, Cintia Melo dos Santos, Elizabeth Matos Rocha


  • Context analysis of the statistical tasks proposed to study in books to high school

    Sheila Solange Sgala, Ana Rosa Corica
    02 - 22
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.30612/tangram.v7i2.17807
  • O Ensino de Matemática e a Bncc: reflexões a partir dos encontros do Getema

    André Gustavo Oliveira da Silva, Fábio Luis Baccarin, Lucineide Keime Nakayama de Andrade
    23 - -42
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.30612/tangram.v7i2.17601
  • Potentialities involved in an investigative activity on Plane and Spatial Geometries using GeoGebra 3D

    Esther Vanessa do Nascimento Santos, William Vieira, Roberto Seidi Imafuku, Emanoel Fabiano Menezes Pereira
    43 - 62
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.30612/tangram.v7i2.17598
  • Histórias em Quadrinhos e Resolução de Problemas no Ensino da Matemática: Uma prática com licenciandos

    Marcilene de Souza Brito Rocha, Fabio Antunes Brun de Campos, Minéia Cappellari Fagundes, Aparecida Santana de Souza Chiari
    63 - 84
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.30612/tangram.v7i2.17541

    Cleiton Ribeiro de Jesus, Agostinho Iaqchan Ryokiti Homa
    85 - 105
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.30612/tangram.v7i2.17525
  • O Estudo de Frações no 6º Ano do Ensino Fundamental a Partir da Metodologia da Sala de Aula Invertida

    Taiza Rubiane Silva Martins, Claudia Lisete Oliveira Groenwald
    106 - 128
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.30612/tangram.v7i2.17521
  • Mapping of Brazilian researches that investigate the use of the Active Group Work Methodology to approach mathematical concepts.

    Iara Maria Soares de Assis Frade, Douglas da Silva Tinti
    129 - 146
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.30612/tangram.v7i2.17623
  • Mentalidades Matemáticas: recorrendo a atividades piso baixo/teto alto para desenvolvimento do senso numérico

    João Domingos Gomes da Silva Junior, Liliana Manuela Gaspar Cerveira da Costa
    147 - 167
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.30612/tangram.v7i1.17650

Pedagogical Experiences

  • Potential of Gamification in Mathematics Teaching

    Brivaldo Antonio de Souza Silva
    168 - 178
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.30612/tangram.v7i2.17802
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