Interdisciplinarity in High School: applying geometric progression and fuzzy sets in medication intoxication
Conjuntos fuzzy, Meia-vida, Tecnologia digitalAbstract
The aim of this work is to propose a didactic sequence to introduce the concept of Geometric Progression (GP) via mathematical modeling, fuzzy set theory and a neutralization reaction of chemical substances, based on an interdisciplinary activity. The mathematical model used to motivate the teaching of GP is drug intoxication. The concept of fuzzy logic is discussed previously for a better understanding between classical and fuzzy logic. A Fuzzy Rule-Based System (FRBS), using the free software livre Fuzzy Inference System Professional (FisPro), is built to foresee possible risks of intoxication. In a prototype that represents the human organism, data are inserted for the input variables, amount of medication and drug elimination speed, and the output variable, risk of intoxication, is obtained. Computational programming is performed via the Arduino platform. The potential risk of intoxication is indicated by colored lights inserted in the abdomen of the prototype, varying between green, yellow, and red, depending on the output value of the FRBS. This didactic sequence was applied with second-year high school students at a public school. The learning analysis was carried out quantitatively from an interactive game using the Kahoot platform, obtaining relevant results. It is important to point out that this teaching approach presents a new theory to high school students, analyzing inaccurate phenomena from a contemporary transversal theme through digital technologies.
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