Percepções de licenciandos em matemática acerca da resolução de problemas
Mathematics teaching, Initial trainingAbstract
The aim of this article is to analyze the perceptions of undergraduate students in Mathematics about problem solving as a methodological tendency for teaching. The records produced were in a class of the first semester of the Degree in Mathematics at a Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, enrolled in the discipline of Introduction to Mathematics Education. These records were analyzed based on the Discursive Textual Analysis of Moraes and Galiazzi (2007). From the analysis, two categories emerged involving problem solving: potentialities and challenges. As potentialities stand out understandings and perceptions of teachers; elaboration of problems and pedagogical mediation and initial training, already as challenges to break with traditional teaching; Mathematics learning and the particularities of students. Finally, it is highlighted that the resolution of problems permeating the initial training is fundamental for the undergraduates to be able to appropriate and, therefore, take it to the pedagogical practice.
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