Vol. 9 No. 27 (2019): Dossier “Teacher Training for Children: History, Policies, Diversity and Culture”

					View Vol. 9 No. 27 (2019): Dossier “Teacher Training for Children: History, Policies, Diversity and Culture”
Published: 2019-09-23


  • Presentation

    Alessandra Cristina Furtado
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.30612/eduf.v9i27.12605


  • Dossier Editorial - Teacher Education for Children: History, Policies, Diversity and Culture

    Miria Izabel Campos, Larissa Wayhs Trein Montiel
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.30612/eduf.v9i27.12606

Dossier “Teacher Training for Children: History, Policies, Diversity and Culture”

  • Teacher training policies for early childhood education

    Fabiana Silva Fernandes, Moysés Kuhlmann Jr.
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.30612/eduf.v9i27.12608
  • Beyond a curricular program: the aesthetic education of pre-school and primary school teachers

    Luciana Esmeralda Ostetto, Maria Assunção Folque, Isabel Bezelga
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.30612/eduf.v9i27.12609
  • Trips to/from school for children who live in the countryside: the construction of pair work culture

    Giana Amaral Yamin, Marisa de Fátima Lomba de Farias, Juliane Ferreira Vieira
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.30612/eduf.v9i27.12617
  • Policies for training readers at the end of the 1960s: Nancy Larrick (1969) and guidelines for parents and teachers

    Franciele Ruiz Pasquim, Vivianny Bessão de Assis
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.30612/eduf.v9i27.12620
  • Bilingual education for deaf children: deafness as an experience and childhood as a potency

    Lucyenne Matos da Costa Vieira-Machado, Keila Cardoso Teixeira
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.30612/eduf.v9i27.12624
  • The babies and infantile education: conceptions of pedagogues in infantile formation process

    Débora de Barros Silveira, Adriana Mendonça Pizatto
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.30612/eduf.v9i27.12631
  • Continuous formation for childhood education: ways of reflection and knowledge

    Roseli Maria Rosa de Almeida, Felipe Silva Vedovoto
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.30612/eduf.v9i27.12636
  • Gender, sexuality, and childhood education: a formation memorial

    Miria Izabel Campos
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.30612/eduf.v9i27.12646
  • The training training of teachers in the municipality of Naviraí (1960 -2012)

    Larissa Wayhs Trien Montiel, Luciene Clea da Silva, Adriana Horta de Faria, Giseli Tavares de Souza Rodrigues
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.30612/eduf.v9i27.12640

Continuous Demand

  • The education of the student teacher to deal with children in Mexico: experience of an academic mobility

    María Cristina Lara Bada, María Guadalupe Ñeco Reyna, Vanessa Kusminski
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.30612/eduf.v9i27.12775
  • Monitoring and evaluation in the municipal education plans of São Paulo

    Silvio Cesar Nunes Militão, Maria Alice de Miranda Aranda
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.30612/eduf.v9i27.12643
  • Curriculum aspects in the Vargas Era (1930-1945): The Visconde de Cairu ethnic japanese immigrant school case

    Stephanie Amaya, Jacira Helena do Valle Pereira Assis
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.30612/eduf.v9i27.12644


  • Review of the book "Teacher training for early childhood education: ongoing experiences"

    Vivian Iwamoto
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.30612/eduf.v9i27.12645