Álgebra en infantil y primaria: Diez materiales manipulativos esenciales para desarrollar el sentido algebraico





Álgebra, Sentido algebraico, Materiales manipulativos, Educación Infantil, Educación Primaria


Algebra is the standard of content that, historically and erroneously, has been associated exclusively with symbolism and abstraction. Its recent incorporation into the early childhood and primary school curricula responds to the need to progressively develop the algebraic sense from the earliest ages, so that citizens mobilise mental skills such as structuring, organisation, ordering, prediction, generalisation..., all of which are essential both for understanding mathematics and the world in general. With the aim of helping early childhood teachers to achieve this important challenge, the first part of this article describes the important knowledge for developing algebraic sense; and, in the second part, a selection of ten essential manipulative materials is presented, based on criteria of content, pedagogical purposes and type of material. For each material, various activities are described by age: 3-6 years; 6-8 years; 8-10 years; 10-12 years.


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Author Biographies

Ángel Alsina, Universidad de Girona

Universidade de Gerona 

Ester Bosch, Universidad de Girona

Universidad de Girona, Gabinet de Materials i de Recerca per la Matemàtica a l’Escola

Girona, España


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How to Cite

Alsina, Ángel, & Bosch, E. (2024). Álgebra en infantil y primaria: Diez materiales manipulativos esenciales para desarrollar el sentido algebraico. TANGRAM - Revista De Educação Matemática, 7(3), 2–31. https://doi.org/10.30612/tangram.v7i3.18851


