GeoGebra-Ferramenta para Explorar Atividades Históricas sobre Números Figurados desde sua Representação Geométrica
História da Matemática. GeoGebra. Números Figurados.Abstract
This article, the result of qualitative research, of a bibliographic nature, aims to contribute to discussions in the scenario of research developed in Mathematics Education whose theme deals with the possible articulations between the History of Mathematics and Digital Technologies, based on the description of historical activities made possible by the GeoGebra software regarding Figurative Numbers (NF). Thus, the intention is to add new possibilities to this research, based on the use of GeoGebra software, for teaching mathematics based on historical problems, specifically on NF. The theoretical framework on the use of historical problems, elaboration of historical activities and the use of digital technologies in teaching, in particular, GeoGebra, is considered. It is considered that the use of GeoGebra to visualize numerical sequences studied by the Pythagoreans, gains additional character to their algebraic structures from the exploration of their visual character from explorations on computers and/or cell phones.
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