O uso de uma receita de bolo para ensinar algoritmo e fluxograma
Ensino de Matemática, Cotidiano, Sem mais nem menos, Covid-19Abstract
In this article, we will present one of the activities developed and applied by the extension project “No more nor less”, from the Mathematics Institute of the Federal University of Alagoas, highlighting its results in online and in-person applications. The activity is titled “Algorithm and flowchart: the mathematics present in the cake recipe” and addresses the mathematical concepts of algorithm and flowchart through the recipe for a chocolate cake. Its main objective was to show the concept of an algorithm related to everyday mathematics. In the online format, the activity was carried out via a live broadcast on the project's Instagram and, upon returning to the classroom, it was carried out in a school in the state of Alagoas. At the end of the applications, the importance of the activity and project was highlighted, as it provided more meaningful learning for students, pedagogical gains for teachers and brought the University closer to the society involved.
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