Analysis of the production of 7th grade students, in posters, about the presence or absence of proportionality in everyday product price situations




Proportional Quantities. Proportionality. Mathematics Education.


The general objective of the work is inserted in the concerns of a large study that aims to answer pertinent questions to the knowledge for teaching teachers in service. Resides in presenting and analyzing the data present in productions presented by students of the 7th grade of elementary school, through posters posted on the walls of a public school classroom. It was considered a qualitative research, strategic action research modality, according to Franco (2005), in which the analysis of the data, collected at random, constituted the motto to indicate indications about how the proposition of activities and the Not correcting the respective results can affect distortions regarding the inappropriate appropriation of knowledge of the proportionality,content by the students. The results revealed evidence that the content was not adequately developed to effectively understand the concept of proportionality -involved in problem situations.


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Author Biography

Paulo Jorge Magalhães Teixeira, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)

Doutor em Educação Matemática,  GAN - Departamento de Análise, IME - Instituto de Matemática e Estatística, área de pesquisas: Formação de professores que ensinam Matemática.


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How to Cite

Teixeira, P. J. M. (2020). Analysis of the production of 7th grade students, in posters, about the presence or absence of proportionality in everyday product price situations. TANGRAM - Revista De Educação Matemática, 3(3), 110–137.


