Pensamento Financeiro e Letramento Estatístico: teorizações iniciais, desafios e possibilidades
Pensamento Financeiro Multidimensional., Letramento Financeiro., Letramento Estatístico., Cenários de Investigação., Estatística Cívica.Abstract
This article presents reflections on the development of thought and financial and statistical literacy, contemplating demands of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC). This is an exploratory qualitative research that seeks, through creative didactic proposals that explore active teaching and learning methodologies, to offer didactic alternatives for the promotion of Financial Education and Statistical Education in Brazilian Basic Education. The theoretical framework that supports our research is constituted by the perspective of developing financial thinking through research scenarios, in the conception of Ole Skovsmose, and statistical literacy supported by civic statistics, according to Iddo Gal. In the end, we believe we have achieved our objective by offering the mathematics teacher didactic alternatives for the development of criticality and student investigative autonomy, prescribed in the BNCC, in the field of the contemporary transversal theme Financial Education and the thematic unit Probability and Statistics.
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