Ferramentas Web 2.0 para atividades em Educação a Distância utilizadas em conjunto com o ambiente virtual de aprendizagem Moodle


  • Viviane Naomi Kay UCDB/Portal Educação


Web 2.0. Distance Education. Tools. Moodle


: This article aims to look Web 2.0 tools with the proposed use them in activities on courses in Distance Education (DE) in online mode that adopt the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Moodle, since these tools are popular and are used by large part of Internet in everyday life for leisure, business and other purposes. During this work, did a bibliographic research on distance learning, Web 2.0 and Moodle to provide the theoretical basis, a search on the Internet about Web 2.0 tools and exploration these, coming to the conclusion that there are several Web 2.0 tools available on the network and that they are very af‐ fordable because mostly does not need installation, enables rapid sharing, is in‐ tegrated with other tools, is easy to use and is free (some have paid versions with additional features). The results obtained in this study were the creation of the proposed use of these tools in activities for courses in distance education in conjunction with Moodle. Through them, we conclude further that it is possible and feasible to use Web 2.0 tools in distance education with Moodle, because they provide many advantages, like the development of creativity and social in‐ teraction of teachers and students, and stimulation of dynamic classes which are not limited to this AVA's possibilities, among other benefits.


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How to Cite

Kay, V. N. (2014). Ferramentas Web 2.0 para atividades em Educação a Distância utilizadas em conjunto com o ambiente virtual de aprendizagem Moodle. EaD & Tecnologias Digitais Na Educação, 2(3), 81–93. Retrieved from https://ojs.ufgd.edu.br/ead/article/view/3285


