Criterios de idoneidad epistémica sobre el área en el currículo chileno de Educación Primaria
área de figuras planas, idoneidad epistémica, directrices curricularesAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to identify the epistemic suitability of the curricular guidelines of Primary Education in Chile, linked to area measurement processes. For this purpose, tools of the Ontosemiotic Approach to Mathematical Knowledge and Instruction are used the Didactic Suitability criteria. A qualitative methodology and a content analysis are performed to propose aspects to be considered to assess the epistemic suitability of Chilean curricular documents. The results show a low suitability in the epistemic facet of the curricular guidelines, since these documents do not propose problem situations that allow relating and coordinating different meanings of the area. Thus, some recommendations are suggested on how to address this deficiency.
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