Ensino da adição nos anos iniciais: o sentido por trás do vai um





Operações aritméticas, Adição, Vai um, Adição com transporte


This text discusses a “simplification” present in the teaching of addition in the early years: the famous “vai um”! It is observed that many students from different educational levels know how to perform the operation of addition with transport – in which the addition of two units the result exceeds nine – a small number know the meaning of the famous “vai um”. Issues like this are recurrent in the early years, often because teachers do not have specific training in Mathematics, which can lead to shortcuts, for example, in teaching addition, with the expression "vai um", without understanding its meaning. The study contrasts the importance of the arithmetic operation of addition, which accompanies students throughout their lives. Generally, the teaching of operations is based on traditional methods of memorization and calculation. For example, when adding 15 + 8, many students apply the algorithm, but they do not always understand the meaning of "vai um". The aim of the study is to discuss issues related to addition with transport in the early years of Elementary School and to present possibilities to overcome the mechanical idea of "vai um" at school. A suggested approach is the use of concrete materials, such as gold material and abacus, which can facilitate students' understanding and development. Finally, the text emphasizes the importance of working on the construction of the operative number and the relationships between objects, emphasizing that the proper use of teaching materials requires a mediating teacher, who provides dynamic and attractive learning.


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Author Biographies

Luana Leal Alves, Furg

Doutoranda na Furg

Antonio Mauricio Medeiros Alves, UFPel

Docente na UFPEL


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How to Cite

Alves, L. L., & Alves, A. M. M. (2023). Ensino da adição nos anos iniciais: o sentido por trás do vai um. TANGRAM - Revista De Educação Matemática, 6(2), 51–70. https://doi.org/10.30612/tangram.v6i2.17208


