The hybrid teaching model: a proposal continuing education for first grade teachers




Teacher training pedagogues. Inverted Classroom. GeoGebra.


This paper presents part of the results of a project that aimed to investigate whether strategies  used  for continuing  education  of  first  grade  teachers,  using  a  Hybrid  Teaching model,“Flipped Classroom” could be a favorable instrument for the continued training of elementary  school  teachers  in  the  context  of  Mathematics  (Shulman,1987),  in  particular Geometry. The proposal was an attempt to seek the improvement of didactic concepts and practices  for  the  teaching  of  Geometry  in  the  early  years  of  basic  school,  addressing theoretical  (Van  Hiele,1986)  and  methodological  aspects  and  with  the  use  of  digital technologies,  especially  GeoGebra  software.  A  training  was  offered  with  the  proposal  of empowering educators, who teach in elementary school, to teach Plane Geometry with the use  of  digital  technologies  and  encourage  them  in  the  continuous  search  for  professional improvement. The  teachers  participated  forcreating  the  proposed  model,  offering  their respective areas of expertise, and contributing to significant results.


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How to Cite

Abar, C. A. A. P., Rodrigues, R. U., & Almeida, M. V. de. (2020). The hybrid teaching model: a proposal continuing education for first grade teachers. TANGRAM - Revista De Educação Matemática, 3(3), 44–59.


