The Mathematics Teaching Itineraries Approach: Why? What for? And how to apply it in the classroom?




, Mathematics Teaching Itineraries Approach. Mathematics teaching. Mathematics learning. Teaching practice. Professional development of mathematics teachers.


The Mathematics Teaching Itineraries Approach (MTIA) is described, which proposes teaching based on intentional sequences that consider informal contexts (situations of daily life, manipulatives and games), intermediate contexts (literary and technological resources) and formal contexts (graphic resources), and five recommendations are offered to apply the MTIA in the classroom: 1) plan and manage the teaching of content through mathematical processes; 2) promote teaching practices that consider both the student and the teacher; 3) consider real, intermediate and formal contexts in all sequences, with a different role depending on the school level; 4) guarantee the principle of progressive abstraction, from the concrete to the abstract; and 5) have objective criteria for the selection of mathematics teaching contexts.


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Author Biography

Angel Alsina, Universidad de Girona

Departmento de Didácticas Específicas

Área de Didáctica de las Matemáticas


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How to Cite

Alsina, A. (2020). The Mathematics Teaching Itineraries Approach: Why? What for? And how to apply it in the classroom?. TANGRAM - Revista De Educação Matemática, 3(2), 127–158.


