Infográficos e livros digitais como recursos no contexto escolar


  • Leticia Moralles Scaglioni
  • Cíntia Moralles Camillo Universidade Federal de Santa Maria



Digital Materials. Infographics. Digital Books. School context.


The school for many represents the principal, if not the only gateway to reading and writing, to form readers and writers, to prepare citizens for life and not just for academic activities. This study presents the use of digital resources as infographics and books in the school context. Based on the theoretical basis, we present the resources available on the web, specific to the production of infographics and books, discussing the advantages and disadvantages of each resource. Also aiming to present the importance of the infographic and the digital book as a resource to be used and explored by the educator.


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Author Biographies

Leticia Moralles Scaglioni

Professora de séries iniciais

Cíntia Moralles Camillo, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Mestranda  no curso Mestrado Profissional em Tecnologias Educacionais em Rede


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How to Cite

Scaglioni, L. M., & Camillo, C. M. (2017). Infográficos e livros digitais como recursos no contexto escolar. EaD & Tecnologias Digitais Na Educação, 5(7), 91–98.


