Analisando a contribuição do uso do jogo educativo soletrando para as aulas de português: um relato de experiência


  • THEREZA PATRICIA PEREIRA PADILHA UFPBAnalisando a Contribuição do Uso do Jogo Educativo Soletrando para as Aulas de Português: um relato de experiência


Educational Game. Soletrando. Content Assimilation.


This paper presents an experience report of activities performed in the educational software class, available in the Computer Science Degree at Federal University of Paraiba, Campus IV. The goal of this work was to analyze whether the content assimilation in the Portuguese classes of the 6th year students in a municipal school at Mamanguape, is higher using the Soletrando educational game. For this, initially, the content explanation in conventional mode (with chalk and whiteboard). After, some students also interacted with the Soletrando educational game. Assessments were applied to measure the correct and incorrect items for whole class. Results and teacher observations about the use of this game in the Portuguese classes will be present.


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How to Cite

PADILHA, T. P. P. (2016). Analisando a contribuição do uso do jogo educativo soletrando para as aulas de português: um relato de experiência. EaD & Tecnologias Digitais Na Educação, 3(4), 148–152. Retrieved from



Relatos de experiência