Conhecendo as estratégias de aprendizagem adotadas pelos alunos dos cursos de graduação modalidade EaD: reflexões iniciais


  • Suselei Aparecida Bedin Affonso Anhanguera Educacional
  • Ligiane Raimundo Gomes UniABC


Distance learning. Strategies learning. Collaborative learning.


The modality of Distance Learning (DL) has provided new types of in‐ teraction for learning. Considering learning as a collaborative perspective, in which students are not merely reproducers of information and that learning processes can be enhanced by the use of different strategies, the present work aims to analyze some learning strategies used by students of distance graduate programs. In that sense a Scale of Student Perception of DL (DL‐SSP) was devel‐ oped, containing 124 questions in which students demonstrate involvement with this modality and conditions for their independent development of the course. Within that scale, 48 questions allowed the analysis of cognitive and metacognitive strategies used by students of DL. Not only has the data allowed us to conclude that metacognitive strategies are more used by students than the cognitive strategies, but also indicate the importance of a job that encour‐ ages the development to this type of learning strategies to enable better stu‐ dent's performance.


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How to Cite

Affonso, S. A. B., & Gomes, L. R. (2014). Conhecendo as estratégias de aprendizagem adotadas pelos alunos dos cursos de graduação modalidade EaD: reflexões iniciais. EaD & Tecnologias Digitais Na Educação, 1(2), 22–31. Retrieved from


