Playing with Algebra: The use of games in teaching of systems of linear equations




Teaching algebra. Mathematics games. Systems of linear equations.


This article aims to report the experience of teaching algebra to students in the eighth grade of elementary school. The purpose of the work is to analyze the students' responses seeking to understand how they deal with the difficulties encountered when solving problems related to systems of linear equations. As a result, it was observed that the majority of the class understood the processes of solving the systems of polynomial equations of the first degree, as well as a remarkable participation of the class, generated by the increase in their level of interest in solving the tasks. In addition, there is an improvement in cooperation between students.


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How to Cite

Rosa, A. S. M., Oliveira, W. F., Lyra-silva, G. M. V., & Cedro, W. L. (2020). Playing with Algebra: The use of games in teaching of systems of linear equations. TANGRAM - Revista De Educação Matemática, 3(4), 173–189.



Pedagogical Experiences