Tangram is indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
In May 2020, Tangram was indexed in the DOAJ.
DOAJ is an online directory curated by the community that indexes and provides access to high quality journals, open access and peer-reviewed.
The benefits of being indexed in DOAJ are:
- Statistics show more than 900,000 page views and 300,000 unique visitors per month for DOAJ from around the world.
- Many aggregators, databases, libraries, editors and research portals collect free metadata and include it in their products. Examples are Scopus, Serial Solutions and EBSCO.
- DOAJ is compatible with OAI and, when an article is in DOAJ, it is automatically harvestable.
- DOAJ is compatible with OpenURL and, when an article is in DOAJ, it is automatically linked.
- More than 95% of the DOAJ editor community recognizes that DOAJ is important for increasing the visibility of journals.
- DOAJ is often cited as a source of quality, open access journals in research circles and academic publications.
Access the database here.