Music and acoustic ecology in the teachers training: meaningful auditory culture and education


  • Paula Maria Aristides de Oliveira Molinari Universidade Nacional de Rosário - Argentina
  • Marisa Trench de Oliveira Fonterrada Universidade Estadual Paulista



Teacher training. Education. Music education.


The objective of this paper is to present and discuss the role of Music as an essencial field of study in the teacher training process. Its methodological framework makes use of a collaborative view of research and resources that indicate Art-Based Educational Research, A/r/tography and Ethnosony as methods. The development of a meaningful auditory culture involves Acoustic Ecology. Intercultural practice requires an outlook that encompasses at least Sociology and Psychology. Acoustic Ecology, in turn, involves Acoustics, Psychology, Sociology, and Music and, therefore, it was chosen as the path toward an intercultural experience to rediscover a meaningful auditory culture. In higher education contexts outside major urban centers, a rich cultural diversity requires educators to be sensitive and flexible. The present study contributes to shedding a light on the building blocks of a successful educational action, by using knowledge ecology as a qualitative paradigm for training at all levels.


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How to Cite

MOLINARI, Paula Maria Aristides de Oliveira; FONTERRADA, Marisa Trench de Oliveira. Music and acoustic ecology in the teachers training: meaningful auditory culture and education. Educação e Fronteiras, Dourados, v. 8, n. 22, p. 177–184, 2018. DOI: 10.30612/eduf.v8i22.9052. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.

