Games and plays in literature memoirs: a construction three study brazilian


  • Vivian Iwamoto Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados
  • Renato Suttana UFGD Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados


Games and plays. Memorial literature. Graciliano Ramos. Rubem Alves. Manuel Pacheco Jr.


This study analyzes three works of literature memoirs of Brazil, namely: “Childhood”, of Graciliano Ramos, "The old man woke boy," Rubem Alves, and "Molech: memories of a 80-year-old," Manuel Pacheco Jr. addresses the aspect of games and gifts play in the description of the early years of the life of each author. To understand the issue, we support you, from a theoretical point of view, the considerations of Caillois (1990), Vygotsky (2007; 2009) and Kishimoto (1993, 2008). As for the understanding of the relationship between literature and memory, we admitted them primarily on Candido (1985) and Bosi (1994), in order to verify how the memory is configured in literary writing. The study of games is organized here around core themes, are realizing that although the authors are from different places and times, the experiences described by they often coincide. This shows that even in different contexts, the games are played or reinvented socially.


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How to Cite

IWAMOTO, Vivian; SUTTANA, Renato. Games and plays in literature memoirs: a construction three study brazilian. Educação e Fronteiras, Dourados, v. 5, n. 13, p. 86–100, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



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