The history of public kindergarten first in Paraná: contributions of the proposal Froebel pedagogy for education in childhood


  • Jaqueline Delgado Paschoal UEL
  • Maria Cristina Gomes Machado UEM


History. Kindergarten. Pedagogical work.


The purpose of this study is to present the story of the first State of Paraná Childhood Public Garden and the Froebel's pedagogy's contribution to the organization of work with the children. Therefore we based on historical method, because through this it was possible to understand the social, economic and political that crossed this state at the beginning of the Republic in Brazil, as well as rebuild the marks of the creation and organization of this institution process. The documentary analysis allowed us to identify that although this kindergarten was opened amid the Republican discourse pointing to public education as a lever for development progress, several problems of structural and physical order were presented such as the lack of vacancies, inadequate physical space; inadequate teaching materials and lack of coordination between this level and primary schools. Still to opt for froebeliana methodological proposal that valued the role of play in the teacher's work organization and learning of children, contributed to a more humanizing education, especially for recognizing childhood as a period of great discoveries in the child's life and originality of his thought


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How to Cite

PASCHOAL, Jaqueline Delgado; MACHADO, Maria Cristina Gomes. The history of public kindergarten first in Paraná: contributions of the proposal Froebel pedagogy for education in childhood. Educação e Fronteiras, Dourados, v. 5, n. 13, p. 59–71, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.

