Garden at scholl: agroecological paths and multidisciplinary dialogues in municipal schools in Canaã do Carajás-PA



Palabras clave:

Horticulture, Organic production, recreational activities, Sustainability


This work presents the university extension actions, carried out by the Federal University of the South and Southeast of Pará, in schools of the municipal elementary and high school network included in the "Horta nas Escolas" Project, located in the municipality of Canaã dos Carajás - PA. We deal, especially in this article, with the implementation of agroecological demonstration units for vegetables in a sustainable and organic way with the objective of providing students with multidisciplinary living laboratories in order to complement the teaching and learning of the students. The implementation of the first agricultural agroecological units in schools in the municipal network had promising results in relation to the implementation of multidisciplinary and agroecological teaching.


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Cómo citar

Gandra, J. R., Cantanhede, D. dos S. ., Ferreira da Silva, D. F. da S., Paula, S. L. de, Ferreira, K. R., Prudente, J. C. de S. L., … Gomes, E. P. (2022). Garden at scholl: agroecological paths and multidisciplinary dialogues in municipal schools in Canaã do Carajás-PA. RealizAção, 9(17), 76–92.