NEPEA and university extesion activities in the Madre Cristina settlement project - Goiandira




Ecological training, Agroecological transition, Horticulture


This article reports the actions and achievements of NEPEA in the Madre Cristina Settlement Project, in Goiandira. In Agroecology there are no infallible packages or recipes. Principles yes. One, which is very significant, and which precedes modern science, is to observe, learn and reproduce natural ecosystems. Or simply: copying nature. We talk, demonstrate and debate the scientific foundations of Agroecology with Agrarian Reform settlers in settlements located in the Southeast – SE – Goiano. We carried out training and training so that these farmers were able to produce in ecological styles. They decided and started to produce vegetables without poisons, using local inputs, recycling organic materials through biocomposting and, soon, they saw the plants grow healthy, nutritious and with visual quality that induced the hungry to buy them. The most excellent socio-environmental results appeared through the design of agroecosystems designed for sustainable production, whose plants are ferti-nutri-irrigated with the liquid biofertilizer made by the farmers themselves. On this path, sustainability is achieved. The production of the vegetable garden and the items handcrafted by the settlers are being sold at the Feira Sem Veneno, organized on the campus of the Federal University of Catalão (Ex-UFG)


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How to Cite

Bertazzo, C. J. (2022). NEPEA and university extesion activities in the Madre Cristina settlement project - Goiandira. RealizAção, 9(17), 103–117.