Cartographic literacy through the creation of mini-dolls: teaching practice in geography in elementary school


  • Jucimara Rojas
  • Neidi Liziane Copetti da Silva
  • Sílvia Pereira


Geography , Pedagogical practice , Cartographic literacy, Phenomenology


This article presents the results of an extension project that investigated how pedagogical practice in geography has been occurring with children in schools in the city of Maracaju/MS. As a justification, we present the importance of cartographic literacy for learning geography with children, who learn to read and write the world they live in through reading the space. Therefore, literacy occurs through the creation of oneself (through dolls) and one's surroundings with the creation of three-dimensional spatial representations. The theoretical framework was based on phenomenology and interdisciplinary principles, with authors such as Callai (2011), Castrogiovanni (2003), Santos (2004), Fazenda (2001, 2003), Japiassú (1976, 1996), Merleau-Ponty (2006), Ricoeur (1983), Chevallier; Gheerbrant, (2009). The research was qualitative, of a phenomenological nature, with the application and theorization of cartographic literacy workshops. It discussed the following intentionality: how is the pedagogical practice in Geography with children shown? The research subjects were academics/teachers who work in Geography with children in the city of Maracaju/MS. The project participants showed that there are countless possibilities in the pedagogical action in Geography with children, through poetry, music, theater, and the creation of oneself through mini dolls.


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How to Cite

Rojas, J., Silva, N. L. C. da, & Pereira, S. (2014). Cartographic literacy through the creation of mini-dolls: teaching practice in geography in elementary school. RealizAção, 1(1), 37–53. Retrieved from


