Este Portal dispõe de acesso aos periódicos, cadastro para autores e editores, recursos para a submissão de textos e acompanhamento dos artigos e publicações.


  • Agrarian Journal

    Agrarian (e-issn - 1984-2538) was a quarterly journal until 2021, but since 2022 it has been published continuously. The journal is edited by UFGD’s Faculty of Agricultural Sciences.

    Agrarian publishes original articles and scientific communications that contribute to the development of agrarian sciences. It covers the following topics:

    • Agronomy
    • Agricultural Engineering
    • Animal Production
    • Agribusiness
    • Food Science and Technology

    Founded in: 2008
    e-ISSN: 1984-2538
    Short Title: Agrarian
    Supporting Entity: Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (FCA/UFGD)
    DOI prefix: 10.30612

    Indexation Sources



    The ARREDIA Magazine (electronic ISSN 2316-6169), of the Literature 
    Course of the Faculty of Communications Arts and Letters (FALE),
    of the Federal University of Grande Dourados (UFGD), every six months,
    aims to publish original and unpublished articles,
    reviews and documents related to the study of languages, languages ​​and
    various literatures as well as their interaction with other fields of knowledge
    (history, philosophy, arts, etc.).


    Qualis/CAPES: B5 (Other strata
    Knowledge Area: Communication, Arts and Languages
    Founded in: 2011
    e-ISSN: 2316-6169
    Short Title: Arredia
    Unit: FALE
    DOI prefix: 10.30612


  • Educação e Fronteiras

    The quarterly interinstitutional journal Educação e Fronteiras is coordinated by UFGD research groups “History of education, memory and society”, “Education policy and management” and “Education and diversity” in partnership with the following educational institutions from Mato Grosso do Sul state and its research groups: UFMS/CPAN, “Policies, institutional practices and social exclusion/inclusion” and “Educators training and diversity”, and UEMS, “Language, literature, education and society” and “Educational theories and practices”.




    Qualis/CAPES: B2 (Other strata
    Knowledge Area: Education
    Founded in: 2011
    e-ISSN: 2237-258X
    Short Title: Ed. Front.
    Unit: FAED
    DOI prefix: 10.30612

    Indexation Sources

  • EaD & Tecnologias Digitais na Educação

    EaD & Tecnologias Digitais na Educação is an interdisciplinary journal published by UFGD Faculty of Distance Education (EaD/UFGD), which, besides the fact of being a place for discussions about the usage and development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) resources applied to distance and traditional education, aims at publishing academic productions that balance theoretical and practical approaches related to management, politics, methods and models, practices and concepts, digital technology development and so on.
    Annually published, though some special issues come out occasionally in order to present the results of academic researches conducted by EaD/UFGD professors, students and associates, the journal is divided into four sections: papers, thesis and dissertations, book reviews and interviews, and experience reports.



    Qualis/CAPES: C (Other strata
    Knowledge Area: Educação a distância
    Founded in: 2013
    e-ISSN: 2318-4051
    Short Title: EaD Tecnol. Digit. Ed.
    Unit: EaD
    DOI prefix: 10.30612

    Indexation Sources

  • Fronteiras

    The biannual journal Fronteiras edited by UFGD Postgraduate Program in History (PPGH/FCH), publishes papers on history and fields.






    Qualis/CAPES: B3 (Other strata
    Knowledge Area: History
    Founded in: 2007
    e-ISSN: 2175-0742
    Short Title: Fronteiras
    Unit: PPGH
    DOI prefix: 10.30612

    Indexation Sources


    Entre-Lugar is a biannual journal published by the Postgraduate Program in Geography of Federal University of Grande Dourados.


    We inform that only the articles of Vol 8, No 15 (2017) and later have DOI (Digital Object Identifier).


    Qualis/CAPES: B4 (Other strata
    Knowledge Area: Geography
    Founded in: 2010
    e-ISSN: 2177-7829
    Short Title: Entre-Lugar
    Unit: PPGGEO
    DOI prefix: 10.30612

    Indexation Sources


    A IPSUM CIVIL: Revista Eletrônica da Engenharia Civil da UFGD, de periodicidade semestral, tem como objetivo tornar públicos resultados de trabalhos realizados no campo da Engenharia Civil desenvolvidos no âmbito local, regional, nacional e internacional, por acadêmicos e profissionais da área.

    As áreas temáticas de abrangência da Ipsum Civil são: Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Construção Civil, Transportes, Sistemas Estruturais, Geotecnia e Hidrotecnia.

    Abaixo segue link com template para submissão: Template IPSUM CIVIL v22

  • Horizontes - Revista de Educação ISSN 2318-1540

    Horizontes: Revista de Educação is an on-line journal biannually published by the Faculty of Education of Federal University of Grande Dourados (FAED/UFGD) which aims at publicizing scientific papers resulted from undergraduate theses, final academic assignments and scientific initiation, case studies, training reports, interviews and others. The journal accepts papers written by under and postgraduate students, professors and elementary and high school teachers, prizing and sharing different experiences. Horizontes: Revista de Educação focus on themes in the fields of education and interdisciplinarity.




    Qualis/CAPES: C (Other strata
    Knowledge Area: Education
    Founded in: 2013
    e-ISSN: 2318-1540
    Short Title: Ed. Front.
    Unit: FAED
    DOI prefix: 10.30612

    Indexation Sources



  • Monções: UFGD Journal of International Relations

    Monções: Revista de Relações Internacionais da UFGD is a biannual journal that publishes papers, reviews and interviews on Foreign Policy, International Policy, Regional Integration, International Economics, History of International Relations, International Organizations, International Security, and Human Rights, among other themes pertinent to the area of International Relations.




    Qualis/CAPES: B2 (Other strata
    Knowledge Area: International Relations
    Founded in: 2012
    e-ISSN: 2316-8323
    Short Title: Monções
    Unit:  FADIR
    DOI prefix: 10.30612

    Indexation Sources

  • MovimentAção

    Journal published by the Postgraduate Program in Sociology of Federal University of Grande Dourados.


    Qualis/CAPES: - (Other strata

    Knowledge Area: Sociology
    Founded in: 2014
    e-ISSN: 2358-9205
    Short Title: Movimentação
    Unit:  PPG-Sociologia
    DOI prefix: 10.30612

    Indexation Sources




  • Raído

    Published by UFGD Postgraduate Program in Language and Literature, Raído journal aims at publishing papers on Literature, Linguistics and Arts that also consider the interdisciplinary aspects of these areas.






    Qualis/CAPES: B2 (Other strata
    Knowledge Area: Literature, Liguistic and Arts
    Founded in: 2007
    e-ISSN: 1984-4018
    Short Title: Raído
    Unit: PPG Letras
    DOI prefix: 10.30612

    Indexation Sources

  • RealizAção

    Realização, the on-line journal of extension and culture, is edited by the Pro-rectory of Extension and Culture of Federal University of Grande Dourados (PROEX/UFGD), and its aim is to publicize the results of extension activities developed by social agents and institutions in local, regional, national and international contexts.




    Qualis/CAPES: B5 (Other strata
    Knowledge Area: Interdisciplinary
    Founded in: 2014
    e-ISSN: 2358-3401
    Short Title: Realização
    Unit: PROEX
    DOI prefix: 10.30612

    Indexation Sources

  • Revista da ANPEGE

    ANPEGE Journal publishes papers related to geography, and its objective is the diffusion of and open access to results of scientific researches. It is a biannual multilingual journal published in Portuguese, Spanish, English and French, and its content is available for free, which subscribes to the idea that the open access to researches promotes a wider interchange of ideas.



    Qualis/CAPES: A2 (Other strata
    Knowledge Area: Geography
    Founded in: 2003
    e-ISSN: 1679-768X
    Short Title: Anpege
    Unit: ANPEGE
    DOI prefix: 10.30612

    Indexation Sources

  • Brazilian Journal of Climatology

    The Brazilian Journal of Climatology (RBCLima) is an official publication of the Brazilian Association of Climatology - ABClima, a non-profit scientific association. Its objective is to publish unpublished articles produced by researchers and teachers who work in Climatology, Geography, Meteorology, Ecology, Agronomy, Engineering, Architecture and other related areas. In addition to being a vehicle of knowledge and information, it aims at stimulating the scientific production of climatology scholars and disseminating the state of the art in this field of knowledge.

    Qualis: B1 Geography and A2 Environmental Sciences
    Knowledge area: Geography
    Year of foundation: 2005
    e-ISSN: 2237-8642
    Short title: RBClima
    Unit: ABCLIMA
    DOI prefix: 10.5380/abclima 

  • Revista Eletrônica História em Reflexão

    Revista Eletrônica História em Reflexão (REHR) is is an international peer-reviewed journal published by Master's and Doctoral students from the Programa de Pós-Graduação em História of Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (PPGH-UFGD).

    Qualis: A3

    Area of knowledge: History
    Foundation: 2007
    e-ISSN: 1981-2434
    Short title: REHR
    Linked to PPGH-UFGD
    DOI prefix: 10.30612

  • Revista Interdisciplinar em Educação e Territorialidade – RIET

    A RIET – Revista Interdisciplinar em Educação e Territorialidade (ISSN - 2676-0355) é vinculada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar em Educação e Territorialidade da Faculdade Intercultural Indígena (FAIND) da Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados. Seu escopo analítico são as reflexões de processos sociais oriundos do contexto de intensa dinâmica socioterritorial das populações do campo, das águas e das florestas em suas múltiplas dimensões (econômica, política, cultural e ambiental), sob uma perspectiva teórico-metodológica, holística, interetnica/intercultural, dialética/dialógica, multiescalar, emancipatória/contra hegemônica.  

  • Revista PsiPorã

    A Revista PsiPorã é um veículo de difusão científica do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia da UFGD que veicula, de fluxo contínuo, artigos inovadores e inéditos relacionados com a Psicologia e suas relações com áreas afins.

  • Revista Videre

    Videre journal, from the Faculty of Law and International Relations, is published three times a year. It aims at the publication of unpublished articles in the areas of Law; Political Science and International Relations.

    The current Editorial Lines of the Magazines are as follows: - State and Legal Spaces; - Citizenship, Justice and Recognition; - Political Systems, Democracy, Development and Human Rights; - International, Multithematic and Law Studies; - Gender, Race and ethnicity; - Frontier Studies; - Education, poverty and social inequality; - Latin America and its contemporary challenges.



    Qualis/CAPES: B1 (Other strata
    Knowledge Area: Law
    Founded in: 2009
    e-ISSN: 2177-7837
    Short Title: Videre
    Unit: FADIR
    DOI prefix: 10.30612/videre


  • Revista Ñanduty

    Ñanduty is an on-line journal published biannually by UFGD Postgraduate Program in Anthropology, whose areas of research are the following: (1) Ethnicity, Diversity and Boundaries; (2) Ethnology, Indigenous Education and Interculturality; (3) Archeology, Ethnohistory and Cultural Heritage.



    Qualis/CAPES: B5 (Other strata
    Knowledge Area: Anthropology
    Founded in: 2012
    e-ISSN: 2317-8590
    Short Title: Ñanduty
    Unit: PPGAnt
    DOI prefix: 10.30612

    Indexation Sources



  • TANGRAM - Revista de Educação Matemática

    Tangram is a quarterly scientific journal which publishes papers about different aspects related to the field of Mathematics Education. The journal resulted from the interaction between two Federal University of Grande Dourados (UFGD) research groups linked to the Faculty of Exact Sciences and Technology (FACET), the Faculty of Education (FAED), and the Faculty of Indigenous Intercultural Education (FAIND): one called “Network of Mathematics Education Researches – TeiaMat/CNPq” and, the other, “Technologies of Mathematics Education Research Group – GPTEM/CNPq”.
    Tangram aims to diffuse results generated from scientific researches, theoretical studies, scientific initiation assignments and notes on pedagogical experiences from primary to higher education. The journal focuses on papers about Mathematics Education and similar areas of study, which can be presented in Portuguese, Spanish and English. Besides the periodic issues, Tangram publishes a thematic edition once a year under the coordination of internal and external members of its team.