A motivação dos servidores no serviço público brasileiro


  • Marcos Gustavo Torres Batista


Motivation. Organizational Changes. Historical Background. Public Service.


The aim of this study is to seek explanations for the lack of motivation of the servers in the Brazilian public service through a literature search, seeking to understand the process of historical formation of the Brazilian people - from their earliest origins of colonization by the Portuguese in the tailstock other forms of colonization. Still discussing moral and ethical as a reason for the sudden behavioral change servers, since his appointment to the occupation of positions. Another time, we may on the current legislation of public service in Brazil, demonstrating that bureaucratic processes often cause the actual role of the law is not followed. Therefore the reality scientifically investigated is seen as critical to the improvement of a service that is inherently put the lives of each of the inhabitants of that country. Study the psycho-emotional, cultural, historical behavioral, social relations within other, is the way to finding a solution to the questions that have long accompanied the political and social development of the employment relationship versus state servers.


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Author Biography

Marcos Gustavo Torres Batista

Bacharel em administração de empresas (2007), especialista em Gestão Empresarial e de Recursos Humanos (2009).


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Figura 01 - Pirâmide (hierarquia) das necessidades de Maslow, disponível em http://www.administradores.com.br, acesso 22/01/2009.



How to Cite

Batista, M. G. T. (2017). A motivação dos servidores no serviço público brasileiro. EaD & Tecnologias Digitais Na Educação, 4(5), 111–123. Retrieved from https://ojs.ufgd.edu.br/ead/article/view/3283


