“Eu pertenço a um grupo de seres malditos” das revoluções documentais e da revelação de Santiago





João Moreira Salles, Jean Rouch, Documentário participativo, Documentário brasileiro


The present article intends to evoke the participant documentary proposed by anthropologist Jean Rouch and it investigates the influence of the participant school in Santiago (2006), work of João Moreira Salles. It also tries to comprehend how the adoption of the participative methodology was essential for Salles to edit his film after so many years of creative block. Even if he has dedicated several hours of shooting along with Santiago in 1992, a former employee of the mansion of the Moreira Salles’ family and the protagonist of the film, it is only in 2004 that the director reaches the conclusion that it would be necessary to also portrait himself as a character, in order to expose in which manner his story as a wealthy man relates to the butler. That way, Salles decides to disclose himself in the first person, admitting his mistakes and successes during the shootings. Even though the production of the documentary led Santiago to become an essential character of Brazilian cinematography, what it is scrutinized in this article are the gains on revealing the nature of the playing and, by doing that, to put in debate the ethical and political implications of the filmmaker with his camera, the hierarchical relations established between the documentarist and who is documented.


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Author Biography

Olivia Bressan, Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR)

Olívia Scarpari é doutoranda em Letras/ Tradução pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) e mestra em Letras/ Escrita Criativa pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS). É jornalista formada pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM).


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How to Cite

Bressan, O. (2022). “Eu pertenço a um grupo de seres malditos” das revoluções documentais e da revelação de Santiago. Raído, 16(41), 92–106. https://doi.org/10.30612/raido.v16i41.15951



Cinema e Literatura: práticas poéticas