Pedagogical innovation in the university context
Pedagogical innovation. University. Curriculum. University extension.Abstract
The contemporary scenario has provoked the emergence of new attitudes, new values and other knowledge, which in turn demand a university capable of reflecting on its own relation to knowledge. It is believed that the University Extension is the privileged locus to promote this reflection. In it we can find ways to produce an innovative, intercultural and inclusive knowledge, opening for the construction of a more open, ethical, democratic and supportive university that allows education to be thought of in a more transgressive and autonomous way. The emergence of an innovative university education through the Extension contributes to the construction and socialization of significant knowledge and in constant dialogue with the various sectors of the community, enabling a curriculum capable of breaking down and recognizing other forms of knowledge production, incorporating the socio-historical dimension of knowledge; to seek the shared management of pedagogical acts with reflexive actions towards knowledge, to understand that knowledge with complex something and susceptible of reconfigurations and to place themselves as mediators, inclusive of the affective relationships as a condition of learning. It is understood that the pedagogical innovation in the university requires paradigmatic rupture, curricular innovation and strengthening of University extension.Downloads
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