Teacher training in the perspective of Inclusive Education and education plans
Educational policies. Teacher training.Abstract
Reflections on educational policies focusing on the training of teachers. It discusses political guidelines recommended by the National Policy for Special Education in the Perspective of Inclusive Education, international guidelines, the current legislation and the National Conference on Education. It highlights the training for special education prescribed in the cited documents. It registers a brief history of maranhense and ludovicense special education / inclusive. It Indicates the impact of educational policies in the care of special education target audience in Maranhão and in São Luís. It features the training of teachers in Maranhão, in general, and the city of São Luís, in particular. It analyzes the education plans - national, from the state of Maranhão and from the city of São Luís-MA and its implications for public education for ALL, including those with disabilities, global developmental disorders and high ability / giftedness.
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