Establishment of a collaborative groups in Mathematical education with teachers at beginning of career


  • Klinger Teodoro Ciríaco Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (Câmpus de Naviraí)
  • Maria Raquel Miotto Morelatti UNESP (Câmpus Presidente Prudente)
  • João Pedro da Ponte Universidade de Lisboa



Collaborative group. Fresh teachers. Teaching Mathematics.


We have analyzed constributions arising from the establishment of a work group of teachers in their early careers, taking the interactions among the members towards overcoming their difficulties in Mathematics classes. For that goal, we adopted a working methodlogy structured on the researchaction strategy, with the purpose of helping those teachers to deal with problems they experiencied during the process of learning how to teach in the first years of the profession. The data we were able to collect and utilized in this paper aim to present the perceptions about the path taken by the group and the implications of such actions onto the pedagogical practice. Our conclusion is that the collective ambience resulting for the sharing of professional experiences may be the basis to implement initiatives intended to support the transition to work in the period of induction.


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How to Cite

CIRÍACO, Klinger Teodoro; MORELATTI, Maria Raquel Miotto; PONTE, João Pedro da. Establishment of a collaborative groups in Mathematical education with teachers at beginning of career. Educação e Fronteiras, Dourados, v. 7, n. 21, p. 97–112, 2018. DOI: 10.30612/eduf.v7i21.8076. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.