Vídeos and animations in the Chemistry education: problematizing the emergence and expansion of the sugar-alcohol sector in the region of Dourados-MS


  • Marlon Gonçalves Gauna
  • Ademir de Souza Pereira Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados
  • Maria Celina Piazza Recena Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul




Videos. Animation. Sugarcane. Distillation.


The article discusses the use of videos and animations in Chemistry classes at a public school, focusing on the emergence of sugarcane-alcohol companies in the south of Mato Grosso do Sul and in the industrial processes for the production of sugar and alcohol. Videos and animation were selected and displayed on different perspectives, including the environmental and social impact in the city of Dourados-MS with the emergence of sugarcane plantations such as the documentary "A sombra de um delírio verde" , the process of production of sugar and alcohol in the mills and the use of ethanol in daily life. The main objective of the exhibitions was to encourage students to form an opinion about the emergence and expansion of the sugarcane-alcohol industry in the region and the formation of knowledge, especially chemical in relation to the processing of sugarcane. It is considered that the use of videos and animation encouraged the participation and reflection of the students during the activities and also stimulated the learning of chemical concepts present in the industrial stages of the sugarcane-alcohol sector such as distillation.


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How to Cite

GAUNA, Marlon Gonçalves; PEREIRA, Ademir de Souza; RECENA, Maria Celina Piazza. Vídeos and animations in the Chemistry education: problematizing the emergence and expansion of the sugar-alcohol sector in the region of Dourados-MS. Educação e Fronteiras, Dourados, v. 7, n. 21, p. 49–58, 2018. DOI: 10.30612/eduf.v7i21.8058. Disponível em: https://ojs.ufgd.edu.br/educacao/article/view/8058. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.

