Conceptual maps: a possibility for the study of atomic models in Chemical lessons
Writing. Concept maps. Basic Education. Chemistry.Abstract
The study of atomic models in chemistry lessons is fundamental for the understanding of more complex phenomena. However, as can be seen in the field research, students tend to memorize concepts, which makes it difficult to relate to other knowledge. The purpose of this research is to investigate the potential and intertextual relations established from the study of atomic models in a first-year high school class in a public school in the city of Dourados-MS. From a sequence of classes involving experimentation, reading of a text of scientific divulgation and textual production, it was possible to rethink the practices that are commonly performed. The focus of the analysis was on the conceptual map produced at the end of the last class, perceiving the established intertextual relations and the potentialities of these activities. The results showed that, in general, the students understood the dynamics of the conceptual maps and managed to organize the content of atomic models from this tool, allowing different intertextual relations. In addition, it was possible to evaluate students beyond the tests commonly performed in the school environment.Downloads
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