Teacher Education, daily life and Special Education
Special Education. Teacher education. Experience.Abstract
This study presents a reflection about teacher education, related to school inclusion, focusing on the processes that enrich the teaching experience as a constitutive part of the formative journey. The research locus involves a specific working group, composed of basic education teachers and researchers related to the Special Education area and to the processes of school inclusion. Starting from an analysis about the possibility of innovation, the following guiding question was settled: what are the possible educational developments arising from the development of an innovative plan of action comprising Universities, basic education schools and specialized educational services? The research encompassed the documentary analysis of minutes that consist the collective trajectory of the group, during the period of a year, and, furthermore, the participant observation in weekly meetings. From these analyses, it is possible to perceive the power associated to this planning of action in a collective manner, in a way that now the group represents a continuous support for these teachers in what concerns the development of the teaching process at schools. Some concepts played a preponderant role during this work, such as innovation, daily life and demands.Downloads
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