The local and the global and the theoretical perspectives of comparison studies around the teacher's training


  • Luciana Cristina Porfírio [UNESP]


Globalization. Teacher training. Comparative studies. Foreign indigenous. Outsourcing. Syncretism.


This text is the unfolding of a chapter of a doctoral thesis that is nearing completion and its purpose is to discuss some possibilities for analysis in the field of teacher training studies have compared to theoretical-methodological analysis. The social dynamics as propagated in a globalized world and education reform arising therefrom has put teacher training as the solution to the problem of quality in education. In general, the field of comparative education has been approached by two investigative traditions, the first represented by some authors linked to the University of Stanford, which stand out Meyer and Ramirez commonly cited in the work as "neoinstitutionalists', and second, usually represented by Schriewer opposed to first for not taking into account the cultural idiosyncrasies and not emphasize the variety of structures established by the inter-relationships in the historical constitution of every nation. In this sense, we seek to indicate that both studies are needed, however, for analysis at the local level, the theories that advocate regularities, standardization or subordination of national to international are not sufficient to understand these complex processes. It is within these realize that there is a circularity of subjects, actors and educational texts (indigenous foreigners), who despite having global references (outsourcing), locally, to present a syncretic by selecting and appropriations that were being performed in accordance with the reality faced each location.


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How to Cite

PORFÍRIO, Luciana Cristina. The local and the global and the theoretical perspectives of comparison studies around the teacher’s training. Educação e Fronteiras, Dourados, v. 2, n. 5, p. p.114–131, 2012. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.



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