School education of young people and adults in Mato Grosso (1872-1927)
Young people and adult education. History of education. Education. Mato Grosso.Abstract
The education of young people and adults, excluded from primary education offered during the day, concerned provinces since the Additional Act of 1834. It established the government of the empire would remain responsible for the organization of higher education and elementary and secondary education only county court, leaving the provinces to organize the elementary and secondary education by their respective governments. Since then, many of these provinces established night schools during the period, caring for the illiterate adult population. This article intends to revisit the route of school education of young people and adults in Mato Grosso, based on researches produced on the subject, reports of presidents of Mato Grosso and president of the State, reports of the Direction of Public Instruction, and the Regulations of the elementary public education. The delimitation of time due to the promulgation of the Additional Act in 1872, when it created the first night school in the state until 1927, when the mode of night school is inserted in the Regulation of Public Instruction issued this year.Downloads
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