Afrouruguayos, education and work: inclusion or exclusion?


  • Eduardo Ramon Palermo López Centro Regional de Profesores del Norte – Rivera. Uruguay


Afrouruguayos. Inclusion/exclusion. Work-education. Multiculturalism.


This article is an approach to the subject matter of the professional and educational inclusion of the afro-uruguayos from the perspective of the historical process of integration/exclusion in society. We analyze data from the recent population and housing censuses (2006) that reflect the problems of people of African descent and comparing the results with surveys and research conducted in the 1990s. From these studies can be concluded that the afro-uruguaya population is in a situation of disadvantage/social and economic exclusion with respect to other sectors of society. Culturally they are the group most affected by the student dropout and early entry into the labour market. It also analyses from the theoretical and statistical field until that point the Uruguayan education has been a way of integrating the collective African national society and that way could generate an inclusive educational paradigm from a multicultural perspective.


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How to Cite

PALERMO LÓPEZ, Eduardo Ramon. Afrouruguayos, education and work: inclusion or exclusion?. Educação e Fronteiras, Dourados, v. 1, n. 3, p. p.114–131, 2012. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 oct. 2024.


