Education, literacy and lettering: the Child Magazineand its Kaleidoscope Section




Education. Alphabetization. Literacy. Child Magazine


The aim of this paper is to show some results obtained from the mapping on the theoretical and methodological orientations of the most frequent processes on alphabetization and literacy present in the pedagogical section "Kaleidoscope" on the printed version of the Child Magazine.This journal is designed mainly for teachers of early childhood education, yet it is also available to teachers from the early years of elementary school. It is found on the website of MEC.To support this research it was used the main theoretical framework studies by Magda Soares about the processes of literacy and alphabetization.The author understands that the process of learning alphabetization as necessary for the acts of reading and writing and literacy is the state or condition of the subject that incorporates social practices of reading and writing skills. The relevance of this study lies on the contribution that it may mean for the initial andcontinuing teacher formation, since it is an important issue on the Brazilian educational context, represented, among others, by the results of Exam Brazil and the Index of Basic Education Development (IDEB).It is a bibliographical research with descriptive and interpretive character, whose analysis of the sources was performed in several stages: selection of the Child Magazine issues to be studied (number 38-46); readings and record keeping of the articles present in these issues; session definition and items to be studied and analyzed.It has been found that the thematic alphabetization and literacy, dealt with explicitly and directly, is virtually absent from the guidelines conveyed by the journal in study.Nevertheless, there are other theoretical and methodological orientations -the role of literature in the learning and development process; the relation between the care and education; evaluation; transition from primary education up to nine years teaching and curriculum -present in the journal interfere indirectly in the subject studied.


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How to Cite

LUCAS, Maria Angélica Olivo Francisco; MONTEIRO, Cicília Rodrigues. Education, literacy and lettering: the Child Magazineand its Kaleidoscope Section. Educação e Fronteiras, Dourados, v. 9, n. 26, p. 154–165, 2019. DOI: 10.30612/eduf.v9i26.12774. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.