Modern woman, real woman: views about gender in Claudia and TPM magazines


  • Gabrielle Bittelbrun
  • Simone Pereira Schmidt


Claudia, TPM, gender, woman, feminism.


Brazilian titles such as Claudia and TPM justify their own existence assuming that they are able to strengthen feminine liberation and assuming that they can be guides for day-to-day actions and entertaining of the “modern woman” or “real world’s woman”. But, actually, the titles reinforce female gender as if it could be coherent, static and homogeneous. In this process, they invisibilize other ways of acting and being. Observing editions from 2004 to 2014 of those magazines, and with the support of feminist researchers such as Scott (1995), Funck (2014) and Lugones (2014), it is intended to question women attributions, like motherhood and body care. It is also intended to question the way that those magazines suggest a continuous monitoring of a lot of aspects in women’s life. The titles suggest the femininity as something that needed to be preserved continuously and they also suggest that there are only determined ways of being a woman.


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How to Cite

Bittelbrun, G., & Schmidt, S. P. (2016). Modern woman, real woman: views about gender in Claudia and TPM magazines. Raído, 10(21), 165–179. Retrieved from



Dossier Interculturalism and Latin American women's writing