Revisitando a “Carta Guarani Kaiowá”: repercussões, retomadas




indigenous, Indigenous Cosmologies, Human Rights, Indigenous authorship. Indigenous literature. Indigenous books., Brazilian literature, Guarani, Kaiowá


Foreword for the dossier Revisiting the "Carta Guarani Kaiowa": Aftermath, ressetlings  by the guest editors Adalberto Müller and Alexandre Nodari


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Author Biographies

Adalberto Müller, UFF

Full Professor of Theory of Literature at Universidade Federal Flumiense, CNE FAperj Fellow and PQ2 CNPq Fellow. Graduated in Literature and Master in Brazilian Literature from the University of Brasilia. PhD in Literature (French) from the University of São Paulo-FFLCH-DLM (2002) and Post-Doctorate (PDE-CNPq) at the University of Münster (WWU, Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft, under the supervision of Siegfried J. Schmidt) and Senior Post-Doctorate (CAPES) at Yale University, Film Studies Programme, under the supervision of Dudley Andrew. Former Professor of French Literature at the University of Brasília (UnB) from 2003-2009. He carried out previous research on literature and cinema, and on the film-maker Orson Welles, published in ORSON WELLES: BANDA DE UM HOMEM SÓ (Azougue, 2015). Between 2013 and 2021 he dedicated himself to translating and writing a critical and annotated edition of Emily Dickinson's poetry (published: POESIA COMPLETA DE EMILY DICKINSON, Editora da UnB/Editora Unicamp, 2020, 2021, 2. vol.) In 2018 he was a Visiting Scholar at the University at Buffalo (SUNY), in the Department of English, at the invitation of Cristanne Miller. He's a Member-at-Large of the Emily Dickinson International Society (2021-2023). He has also published, with Márcio Seligmann-Silva, a critical edition/translation of Walter Benjamin's theses (ON THE CONCEPT OF HISTORY, Ed. Alameda, 2020), as well as the books of short stories O TRAÇO DO CALÍGRAFO (Ed. Medusa, 2020) and PEQUENA FILOSOFIA DO VOO (ed. 7Letras, 2021). He has published several books of essays and poetry, as well as translations of Francis Ponge, e.e. cummings and Paul Celan. His most recent publication is the book of essays IMAGEM SOB A IMAGEM (Eduff, 2022). He wrote and directed the 35mm short film WENCESLAU E A ÁRVORE DO GRAMOFONE, based on the work of Manoel de Barros. He works in the field of Literature, with an emphasis on Translation, Literary Creation and studies of the languages and cultures of the Tupi-Guarani family. He is currently researching and translating cosmologies and languages of the Tupi-Guarani family (Guarani, Nhandeva, Mbyá, Kaiowá).

Alexandre Nodari, UFSC (CNPq)

Alexandre Nodari is a professor in the Department of Vernacular Language and Literature and the Postgraduate Programme in Literature at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, where he founded and coordinates ao contrário - an experimental laboratory for the study of literature and its reverse sides, based at UFSC. He holds a CNPq level 2 research productivity fellowship and is a member of the Literature, Indigenous Territory research group.


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Müller, Adalberto (2024). Teko: Mbyá-Guarani Ontocosmology. Disponível em : Acesso em 25.08.2024.

Müller, Adalberto. (2023). Ayvu Rapyta. A cosmopoética Guarani Mbyá. Tese defendida para obtenção do grau de Professor Titular do Instituto de Letras. Niterói: Universidade Federal Fluminense.

Nodari, Alexandre. (2023). “Recipropriedade: delineamentos iniciais de uma figura conceitual”. Em: núcleo oco de arte(s). Reagrupar, reocupar. Florianópolis: editora Nave.

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How to Cite

Müller, A., & Nodari, A. (2024). Revisitando a “Carta Guarani Kaiowá”: repercussões, retomadas. Raído, 18(45), 08–20.



Revisitando a “Carta Guarani Kaiowá”: repercussões, retomadas.