“We're always doing it... writing sometihing"





Academic genres, production conditions, Degrees in Exact Sciences


In this article, the objective is to identify the genres demanded in Mathematics and Physics degrees at the Federal University of Campina Grande and to characterize the production conditions in which these genres are demanded, according to the experiences of students in these courses. Methodologically, it is developed in the light of the interpretive paradigm, under the qualitative approach and according to the exploratory and experiential typology. Its participants are three students from each of the mentioned degree courses, interviewed individually, totaling six interviews explored based on the methodology of content analysis. Regarding the first objective, it appears that students claim to produce different genres, whether pedagogical (schematics, reviews, summaries) or scientific (abstract, articles). With regard to the second objective, it appears that the aforementioned genres are demanded from the transfer of a list of criteria, with a focus on composition and grammar. Furthermore, the texts produced by the students have the teacher as the main recipient, given the predominance of the evaluative objective in the productions, a finding that reiterates the practice of schooled literacy in the investigated contexts. In view of the results, it is clear that the genres are demanded in the two degrees under common and similar production conditions, given the schooling practice that involves the uses of writing in the academy.


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Author Biography

Juliana Marcelino Silva, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande

Graduanda em Letras (habilitação em língua portuguesa) pela Universidade Federal de Campina Grande. Atualmente, bolsista de inciação científica com o projeto "Ensino de escrita em cursos de graduação" e membro do grupo de pesquisa Teorias da linguagem e ensino.


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How to Cite

Marcelino Silva, J., & Elizabeth Maria da Silva. (2023). “We’re always doing it. writing sometihing" . Raído, 16(42), 60–83. https://doi.org/10.30612/raido.v16i42.15948



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