Human Rights in the training of special education teachers: “illusious elements” in liberal assumptions
Human rights, Teacher training, Special education, Liberal principlesAbstract
The purpose of this article is to debate the topic of Human Rights in the training of Special Education teachers, especially in the Special Education Degree Course. We start from the assumption that dealing with human rights is fundamental for a possible change in social structures. To do so, it is necessary to understand that we cannot carry out this discussion based on a slogan or illusory elements. We observed in the proposal for training special education teachers that they are empowered to promote and guarantee human rights; the defense of human rights justifying the inclusive perspective; a polarized relationship between human rights and the reduction of inequalities. It is then considered that this topic is addressed in the training of special education teachers based on liberal principles, with a focus on the individual, or in focus groups, in a fragmented manner and maintaining the social hierarchy of the current order.
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