On “judicial activism a brasileira” and its impacts on the effectiveness of constitutionally guaranteed rights: the case of the “thesis of temporal frame” at the pet 3.388/rr trial by the federal supreme court
Ativismo judicial, Tese do marco temporal, Direitos territoriais indígenas, Constituição Federal, Supremo Tribunal FederalAbstract
The present work has as main objective to analyze if the adoption of the so-called “thesis of the temporal frame” by the Federal Supreme Court in the judgment of Pet. 3.388/RR is (or is not) an example of judicial activism, insofar as it changes the meaning of the expression “lands traditionally occupied by the Indians” provided for in Article 231 of the Federal Constitution. In order to do so, it will be analyzed the constituent legislator’s understanding of the aforementioned constitutional expression, which is the so-called “temporal framework thesis” adopted by the Supreme Court in the trial of the Raposa Serra do Sol indigenous land, as well as the concept of judicial activism and its relevance in the
proposed theme. The research techniques that will be used will be: a) bibliographical review ; b) review of jurisprudence, in the judgment of Pet.. 3.388/ RR by the Federal Supreme Court. As a result of the research, it is understood that activism can be harmful to democracy.
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