Participatory social cartography unveiling territorialities in the Colombian Pacific




Participative social cartography. Territory. Fishing. Choco. Afrocolombians.


Participatory social cartography contributes to the understanding of the referents constituted by the subjects, as well as the meanings that constitute them. Thus, based on participatory social cartography workshops with students from the municipal school of Bahia Solano, department of Chocó, Colombia, with debates, making maps and interviews, during fi eldwork focusing on artisanal fi shing activities, we aim to analyze the construction of the territory and territorialities in the Chocoano Pacifi c in relation to traditional practices and knowledge, often hidden in offi cial maps. It was noticed, then, that the maps constructed by children and young people, between 13 and 17 years old, of the fi shing community of Bahia Solano revealed the social conscience of these subjects, because to a large extent, they perceive all the territorialities in which they are inserted and the its relation to traditional activities.


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Author Biographies

Dorival Bonfá Neto, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Integração da América Latina (PROLAM/USP), Graduado em Geografia (USP, 2018) e professor na educação básica.

Julio César Suzuki, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

Graduado em Geografia (UFMT, 1992) e em Letras (UFPR, 2004), com mestrado (USP, 1997) e doutorado (USP, 2002) em Geografia Humana. Professor do Departamento de Geografia/FFLCH/USP e orientador junto ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Integração da América Latina (PROLAM/USP).


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How to Cite

Bonfá Neto, D., & Suzuki, J. C. (2020). Participatory social cartography unveiling territorialities in the Colombian Pacific. Revista Interdisciplinar Em Educação E Territorialidade – RIET, 1(1), 116–136.



Dossier 1- Territories / Territorialities of the Populations of the Countryside, Waters and Forests: Advances and Challe