Land and territory in the didactic production of Tremembé: an analysis of content and speech




Land. Territory. Education. Development. Traditional knowledge.


In this article we present an excerpt from a research by Martins (2019) on educational material produced by indigenous students of the Tremembé ethnic group, which is in the coastal region of northeastern Brazil in the Almofala district, in the municipality of Itarema - Ceará. This cut was made in the course conclusion works of the Tremembé Superior Indigenous Teaching Program, Magisterium Pé no Chão, developed in partnership with the Federal University of Ceará that culminated in the publication of 19 books and a DVD, of indigenous authorship in Filho et al, (2014). Diff erentiated education was observed, as a tool used in the search for local development, with the training of qualifi ed teachers, responsible for spreading indigenous activism in the awareness of students. We start from the central idea of analyzing the studies carried out in the production of the conclusion works Indigenous Tremembé Superior course, regarding the thematic Land and Territory. In possession of this material, we used a methodology focused on the Indigenous Paradigm of Ginzburg (1989), and then performed the Content and Discourse analysis of Bardin (2009) and Greimas (1975) apud Gregolin (1995, p.15) and Mazière (2017), observing indigenous orality and the process of transcribing and retrieving the production of didactic texts, in a process of survival and maintenance of indigenous culture.


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Author Biographies

Daniel Valério Martins, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD)

  • Doutor em Antropologia Instituto de Iberoamérica - Usal
  • Doutor em Educação Universidade de Burgos - Es

Ruan Rocha Mesquita, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

Graduando em Sistemas e Mídias Digitais pela Universidade Federal do Ceará


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How to Cite

Martins, D. V., & Mesquita, R. R. (2020). Land and territory in the didactic production of Tremembé: an analysis of content and speech. Revista Interdisciplinar Em Educação E Territorialidade – RIET, 1(1), 34–47.



Dossier 1- Territories / Territorialities of the Populations of the Countryside, Waters and Forests: Advances and Challe