Peer Review Process

Manuscripts submitted to RealizAção undergo an initial evaluation by Editors (desk review) to assess their alignment with the journal's scope and compliance with the guidelines outlined in the Author Guidelines. After passing the desk review, the manuscript is subjected to a double-blind peer review, being sent to at least two ad hoc expert reviewers who will evaluate the scientific quality of the work. The reviewers will provide a recommendation to "Accept," "Require revisions," "Submit for a new round," or "Reject" the manuscript.

The double-blind peer review is fully carried out through the Open Journal Systems (OJS), which guarantees the anonymity of the parties involved (authors and reviewers).

If reviewers do not provide consistent responses, the editors will make a decision based on the submitted reviews or send the article to a third reviewer. After analyzing the reviews, the editors will decide whether the manuscript should be accepted, revised, submitted for a new round of reviews, or rejected.

The editors' decision is final and will be communicated by email.