Gravimetric characterization of solid waste before and after the "adopt a mug" program at an administrative establishment in the municipality of Iguatemi/MS


  • João Vitor Corrêa Gonçalves Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul, UEMS, Unidade Universitária de Mundo Novo-MS.



Gravimetry. Solid Wastes. Mug Adoption.


One of the major challenges faced by municipalities is the selective collection of solid waste, as well as its final disposal according to environmental legislation, due to the lack of awareness of the population about the importance of waste separation and recycling. The main goal of this work was to perform the analysis of the composition and gravimetric characterization of solid waste. The study was carried out in an indigenous health management establishment, located in the municipality of Iguatemi, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. Residues were collected during 05 days (Monday to Friday). During the initial characterization of the residues it was observed that the organic matter (4.46 kg), was represented by coffee powder, fruit husks and bagasse, metals (0.76 kg) from aluminized package and staples, paper (6.13 kg) and plastic (9.78 kg) from various packaging and plastic cups. After this analysis it was implemented the “Adopt a mug” program, in which employees of the establishment were encouraged to use durable mugs instead plastic cups. After the implementation of the program another sampling was made and was observed an expressive reduction in the amount of plastic generated by the establishment (5.82 kg), corresponding to a reduction of 59% in relation to the values prior to the creation of the program. Through the present work it can be concluded that the implementation of the "Adopt a Mug" program was effective in reducing the use of plastic cups, since the employees identified with the question and participated actively in the campaign.


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Author Biography

João Vitor Corrêa Gonçalves, Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul, UEMS, Unidade Universitária de Mundo Novo-MS.

Biólogo, Mestre em Tecnologias Ambientais, Professor do Curso de Gestão Ambiental da UEMS.


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How to Cite

Gonçalves, J. V. C. (2018). Gravimetric characterization of solid waste before and after the "adopt a mug" program at an administrative establishment in the municipality of Iguatemi/MS. RealizAção, 5(10), 70–76.


