Social and environmental conflict: the case of the Maciel traditional community towards industrial and port hazard in Pontal of Paraná, Paranaense Coast.


  • Erica Vicente Onofre Universidade Federal do Paraná - Setor Litoral
  • Matheus Santana Antiquera Universidade Federal do Paraná - Setor Litoral
  • Juliana Quadros Universidade Federal do Paraná - Setor Litoral.



Atlantic forest. Traditional populations. Human rights violations. Sociobiodiversity.


This article deals with the intentionality of the introduction of an industrial and port complex in the municipality of Pontal do Paraná, Paranaense Coast, and along with this, the history of violations of social and environmental rights involving the traditional community of Maciel, almost 300 years ago. The territory of belonging to this community has become the target of speculation by the company Porto Pontal next to its entrepreneur. These maneuvers have conceived the community a series of violations and social-environmental conflicts that will be pointed out in this work. Traditional peoples and communities have a legal apparatus foreseen in laws, international treaties and conventions, however, contexts like this demonstrate that situations of illegalities become recurrent when it comes to neodevelopmentalist interests for unprecedented profit. In summary, the socio-biodiversity of the Atlantic Forest and the sea are threatened and may undergo irreversible changes. It is concluded that the territorial rights of traditional populations permeate universes of emergency conflicts, bringing out the real need of the agenda of the traditionally occupied territories.


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Author Biography

Erica Vicente Onofre, Universidade Federal do Paraná - Setor Litoral

Bacharelanda em Gestão Ambiental da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) - Campus Litoral, PETiana do Programa de Educação Tutorial (PET) Conexões de Saberes - Comunidades do Campo, desde Abril de 2015. Desenvolve pesquisas na área de conflito socioambiental; movimentos sociais; direito socioambiental; povos e comunidades tradicionais; globalização; agricultura familiar e saúde ambiental. Atuando na área de Ciências Ambientais com foco na Gestão Ambiental.


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How to Cite

Onofre, E. V., Antiquera, M. S., & Quadros, J. (2018). Social and environmental conflict: the case of the Maciel traditional community towards industrial and port hazard in Pontal of Paraná, Paranaense Coast. RealizAção, 5(9), 06–13.


