Editorial RealizAção: the interrelationships between education and health


  • Emerson Machado Carvalho
  • Juliana Rosa Carrijo Mauad
  • Rosilda Mara Mussury
  • Gicelma da Fonseca Chacarosqui Torchi




In this third volume, number six, RealizAção - Online Magazine of Extension and Culture, aims to make public the reflections and results of extension actions developed at local, regional, national and international levels, in a network of actors and social institutions. The magazine is published by the Office of the Vice-Rector of Extension and Culture of the Federal University of Grande Dourados - PROEX/UFGD on a biannual basis. RealizAção Magazine is publishing works in the thematic areas of Communication, Culture, Human Rights, Education, Environment, Health, Technology and Production, Labor, Job and Income Generation, Gender, Solidarity Economy, Racial Equality, Ethnic Diversity, Youth and Senior Citizens. In each issue, a minimum of eight works will be published, including articles, reviews and experience reports, which may be presented in Portuguese, Spanish and English. The selection will be carried out through a Continuous Flow Notice and will be evaluated by peers: professionals with experience in University Extension. The works submitted for this edition were evaluated by the Editorial Board and by ad hoc consultants. In the selection process, the following criteria were observed: priority of the theme, scientific consistency, originality, timeliness of the information, compliance with ethical and technical standards, as well as the social impact of the information. This edition, in particular, had the technical support of the UFGD Training Center, Language Training Axis, for the English review.


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How to Cite

Carvalho, E. M., Mauad, J. R. C., Mussury, R. M., & Torchi, G. da F. C. (2017). Editorial RealizAção: the interrelationships between education and health. RealizAção, 3(6), 02–05. Retrieved from https://ojs.ufgd.edu.br/realizacao/article/view/7181


