UFGD Preparatory Course – the resumption of an extension project with great social impact


  • Agleison Ramos Omido
  • Fabíola Renata Cavalheiro Caldas
  • Alessandra Leite de Oliveira
  • Rosilda Mara Mussury


Preparatory course , ENEM , University entrance exam


The extension project organized by the Office of the Vice-Rector for Extension and Culture (PROEX), called the UFGD Training Center, has two axes: Language training and Pre-University training. In this second axis, the subject of this work, two preparatory courses were offered, one for the National High School Exam (ENEM) and the other for the University Entrance Exam, aiming to serve students preferably from the Public School System, as a way of promoting equal access to Universities. In addition to increasing the chances of entering higher education, the program also aims to contribute to reducing dropout rates, since it promotes a leveling of basic knowledge that, if not assimilated, could lead the student to abandon the course. The courses were offered in two distinct modules. The ENEM module included classes taught in the form of exercise resolutions based on the models proposed by the National Institute of Studies and Educational Research Anísio Teixeira – INEP, which is responsible for administering the exam. In the Entrance Exam module, the content was covered based on the traditional national entrance exams. The ENEM preparatory course had 65 (sixty-five) applicants. The module had only 01 (one) dropout and granted 01 (one) scholarship to a student with special needs, in order to contribute to her psychosocial development, since she had a certain neurological disorder. The UFGD Entrance Exam module had 72 (seventy-two) applicants. The module had only 01 (one) dropout and granted 02 (two) scholarships to public school students.


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How to Cite

Omido, A. R., Caldas, F. R. C., Oliveira, A. L. de, & Mussury, R. M. (2016). UFGD Preparatory Course – the resumption of an extension project with great social impact. RealizAção, 3(6), 51–62. Retrieved from https://ojs.ufgd.edu.br/realizacao/article/view/6806


